how we can help you?

Are you a small business, looking to scale, with no internal HR or Compliance team?

We can help with:

•  A comprehensive compliance health check: Identify gaps that are putting your business risks.

•  Guidance through a step by step solution implementation process.

•  Esclusive access to the TicBox library complete with over 100 policy and learning resources.

•  Ongoing support as your organisation grows.

Are you in HR or Compliance and spend hours manually managing processes across multiple sites and locations, only to find yourself felling frustrated by the lack of information when you need it.

We can help with:

•  A one stop digital repository to easily manage your existing documents, policies, learning resources and much more.

•  The organisation and streamlining of your exsisting internal processes.

•  End to end employee lifecycle management, including:

   ◦    Onboarding

   ◦    Compliance

   ◦    Online traning and Development

   ◦    Health and Safety

want to know more? Let's chat
